Maksym Kryvonis, executive director of the Eastern European Agricultural Alliance, based in Warsaw, reports that Russia is now targeting agricultural production ‘to weaken the country’s food security’.
Cattle have been butchered, leaving young calves to starve to death. Those which survive are so traumatized they no longer produce milk.
Farmers should now be sowing vital crops, but fields are scattered with mines which have already been killed many. It is essential they find a way to sow their fields.
Some of last year’s harvest remains in warehouses. Now impossible be move as ports in the Black Sea have been blockaded and mined by the Russians.
UK farmers and growers are reeling from rising input costs and uncertain incomes. However difficult, it pales in significance when you compare our situation with what Ukrainian farmers are facing. Even if they manage to harvest a crop, produce milk and meat; markets are fading, and transport has ground to a halt. The ports are now in the hands of the Putin’s despots, under the command of General Aleksandr Dvornikov, formerly known as the ‘Butcher of Syria’.
Ukraine is one of many war zones around the world. Brutality abides in Afghanistan under the Taliban, including denying girls an education, and in Myanmar, Yemen, Tigray, Somali, Syria, and many African countries. The hardship, starvation and broken economies makes normal life, as we know it, impossible
Meanwhile in the UK HM’s official opposition, disloyal Tory MPs, the BBC and other media outlets, waste valuable time bashing Boris over birthday cake, instead of tackling national and international matters.
As several commentators have rightly said, these ‘useful idiots’ are playing into the hands of Putin who would love to see the back of Ukraine’s strongest ally. So too would Remainers who want the UK to rejoin the EU. And then of course Keir Starmer who recognises the pool of strong leadership to replace Boris is empty, giving him a fighting chance at the next General Election.
Boris clearly spoke the truth when he told the Commons that, to the best of his knowledge, COVID laws were followed. The fact that a birthday cake was produced, and on occasions the No 10 troops were fed, is no reason to create a constitutional crisis.
It is time to stop this frenzied attack on the PM, particularly when there is no evidence that he did ‘mislead’ the House of Commons.
There have always been women farmers, some quite exceptional. Many farming businesses, and organisations such as the NFU and agricultural societies have women at the helm.
Creating ‘safe spaces’ for women is a hot topic, one with which I totally agree. These include loos, changing rooms, women’s refuges, female clubs, and other organisations such as the WI.
Farmer Lisa Edwards wants to be ‘one of the lads and join the Liverpool Agricultural Discussion Society (LADS), an all-male group for farmers who meet monthly for dinner and listen to talks. It allows valuable time out with kindred spirits. Mrs Edwards feels aggrieved as the society recently voted to keep their group which was founded in 1928, as men only.
She and her female friends, could, if they have not already, become members of their local NFU, Ploughing Match and Agricultural Show Society, and clubs.
Men need safe space’s too, and I applaud the LADS for not rolling over and being bullied down the PC rabbit hole.
With the greatest respect to Mrs Edwards, there is much to be said for men only clubs. They too should be left well alone, respected, and accepted.