This will be a symbolic way to give thanks for the end of war 100 years ago, and will replicate the national outpouring of relief that took place at the end of the war as news of the Armistice filtered through and bells which had long been silent rang out.
Bells ringing out at 12.30 will help mark the shift in emphasis from Remembrance in the morning to thanksgiving in the afternoon for the end of war and for peace. This will coincide with the start of the People’s Procession, as 10,000 members of the public march past the Cenotaph in a nation’s ‘Thank You’.
The DCMS would be interested in hearing about any bell ringing plans to mark this historic occasion and has developed a web map so that people can very quickly and easily add their bell ringing and Armistice Day events.”
I am certain that as we approach this historic anniversary, the British nation and millions across the world will respond with enthusiasm, and ring bells sending a loud and clear message that we recognise the sacrifices which were made for us. They shall never be forgotten.
As the cacophony of bells ring out I hope the Cambridge students who voted against recognising Armistice Day and the wearing of poppies, will hang their heads in shame.
Just how supposedly educated young people can display such ignorance is breath taking, and their lack of respect and gratitude truly shocking.
I wondered why Mrs May decided to appoint a Minister for suicide prevention. On reflection it is all too clear by watching her latest disastrous negotiations with the EU, that she knew exactly what she would willingly be giving away.
Brexit clearly did not mean Brexit, despite giving her word. However, she can be sure that those who voted Leave are not suicidal, and we will not require Ms Jackie Doyle-Price to stand watch at Beachy Head. Homicidal perhaps - we are very angry. How can a British Prime Minister so blatantly thwart the will of the people?
Mrs May and her colleagues are turning their backs on 17,410,742 Britons who voted to Leave the EU, by locking us into the EU Customs Union indefinitely. This means we will never take back control of our borders, laws and trade. We are now in danger of missing the best opportunity in decades to. Borrowing the words of President Trump, “make this country great again”.
How refreshing to hear that pupils at a primary school in Totnes, Devon, are being asked to vacuum their own classrooms. At a time when too many children are mollycoddled at home within an inch of their lives, and leave school with precious few practical skills, headmistress Hilary Priest must be congratulated.
It appears the knives are out for Tory MP Dr Dan Poulter who as well as carrying out his parliamentary duties, still works as an NHS doctor as he trains to become a valuable consultant. In the past most MPs had ‘day jobs’. Today many are career politicians, some having never had a previous career or ‘proper’ job.
Dr Poulter brings to Westminster an invaluable insight while working within the NHS, as does Maria Caulfield who regularly returns as a specialist breast cancer nurse, at the Royal Marsden Hospital. They and others like them, who do manage to balance their valuable work alongside being an MP, must be allowed to continue doing so.