Seeing these lambs makes me wonder why women, are no longer allowed to be defined as female. This trend is clearly increasingly provocative to most ladies, and equally so to gentlemen. Our vocabulary is being manipulated in a way which whitewashes our identities as well as mankind in general, people, history and places.
Once you start interfering with language in an attempt to be ‘Politically Correct’, and trying to please everyone but in reality no one, where do you stop?
Within farming it is no secret that only female livestock give birth. Bulls, boars, rams and even cockerels don’t. It is probably worth noting for clarity, that castrated bulls called bullocks or steers, don’t become mothers or fathers.
I think most people will agree that a mother’s new born suckles from her breast not her chest. If ‘daddy’ pops in to see his latest offspring which is clearly a boy or girl, he is unable to feed his baby from his hairy chest!
It is depressing that during the week of National Women’s Day, the public are becoming increasingly irritated by certain women complaining about the ‘injustices’ of being a woman? Those given some of the greatest opportunities and privileges, are clearly the greatest moaners. When they are found not to be up to the job, and spectacularly fail in their ambitions, they complain that they feel humiliated and blame their male colleagues.
These ‘wronged’ women with their grievances and pumped up sense of entitlement, do their gender a huge disservice. Unfortunately the list of ‘miserable’ women with their shrill voices grows by the day.
They include women of all colour, political parties, and nationalities. Theresa May, Amber Rudd, Diane Abbott, Megan Markle, Jo Swinson, Anna Soubry and Hilary Clinton are prime examples of this trend.
Without exception they seem to believe they have been hard done by, and are not taken seriously because they are women. Amber Rudd recently suggested that ‘there should be an all-woman cabinet’, adding that she would, ‘’fire all the men’’! Concluding “It’s about time that we addressed the balance.”
What ‘balance’ is that? Do we eliminate 50% of the population? Clearly in Ms Rudd’s world ‘fairness’ is off the agenda.
If these women want fairness they need to ‘man up’, join the real world, work hard and if they are truly capable they will float to the surface.
We rarely if ever, hear genuinely proficient women complaining about their ‘lot’. They are noticed by their peers and those of us who admire and appreciate both men and women for their talent, work ethics, honesty, reliability, leadership, and what they contribute to society or their chosen route through life.
Why do I raise these issues? Because these topics are uppermost amongst so many people’s concerns. However, they are deeply troubled that no one is standing up and saying ‘No’ this is not right!
The press, media and politicians seem more worried about being criticised, discredited and threatened by a very vocal and aggressive minority. People are scared of being hounded out on social media if they dare to say what they are thinking, or saying privately.
Our historical institutions, buildings, statues, paintings, and much loved books, films and plays are being whitewashed, if not physically torn down and obliterated – how dare they? All these matters along with re-writing the Oxford Dictionary must not be allowed to happen. It is time to turn the tide before it is too late.