He is implementing policies that jumpstart job creation, and strengthening the USA’s economic base.
It is time the Prime Minister put “Great Britain First”, and remembered her inaugural words when she became PM, saying “Brexit Means Brexit”. After Friday’s fiasco it is clear she did not mean it.
Reports in the press over the weekend, following the meeting of the Cabinet, vary between hardened ‘Remainers’, and ardent ‘Brexiteers’.
Some believe the PM is showing her steel and being a strong leader, others are less polite, and question her motives. The time to have shown true grit and leadership was during her negotiations with the Brussels bureaucrats. Had she been a determined leader, she would have told them exactly what our terms would be, and that they could take it or leave it. Mr Barnier would have quickly realised she meant business, and this fiasco would have been over months ago.
Unfortunately Mrs May has gone for the soft option, but as a true ‘Remainer’ should we be surprised. She has bullied some very weary cabinet colleagues who have been wrong footed into agreeing this fudge. In taking this stance she has betrayed the British public, appeased a few business lobbyists with their snouts in the EU trough, and badly let down the people who sent a clear message at the time of the referendum.
As Alan Moore from Storrington, wrote to the Sunday Telegraph, “When a minority sets out to defeat the will of the majority, we have taken a step towards a dictatorship. Theresa May has promised much, but has rolled over at the least whiff of a threat from the Brussels bureaucrats. Perhaps that’s because at heart she is a bureaucrat herself.”
I doubt we have heard the last of this as fortunately there are still some very principled MPs on the back benches. I believe they will not roll over and accept the unacceptable, time will tell.
It is curious that it has not been widely reported that behind the scenes the government has been preparing for a ‘no deal’ scenario, with more customs-checking capacity. Last week the National Audit Office concluded that an ongoing HMRC upgrade was happening, which means that Britain’s revamped customs service should be ready to cope with “no deal” from January 2019 onwards.
As Liam Halligan in the Daily Telegraph stated, Ministers should be shouting this from the rooftops, not only reassuring UK importers but conveying to Brussels that, if needs be, we can use WTO rules after Brexit. Thus resulting in net transfers of tariff revenues from EU to UK, before cutting a more advantageous free trade agreement later on.
This week the President of the United States of America arrives in the UK. Those with an ounce of intelligence will welcome him with dignity and the respect his ‘office’ requires. America is our closest ally, defender and friend, Mr Trump represents the people of that great country who elected him to be their President.
If insignificant individuals like the Mayor of London and others, decide to show their stupidity and ignorance by throwing insults at Mr Trump, I sincerely hope he will realise this is not the view of the majority in the UK who welcome him, and hope he will point the Prime Minister in the right regarding Brexit, and lay the ground for future exclusive trade deals, once we have escaped the tentacles of the EU.