Ukrainian farmers harvested 17.7 million tons of wheat, 3.7 million tons of barley and 306,400 tons of peas this year but with southern ports closed by Russia and the continuous targeting of the rail infrastructure, difficulties moving this grain to countries such as African, will result in famine and more migrants heading for Europe.
The UK wheat harvest yielded below the usual tonnage mostly due to the challenging weather conditions but also as more barley was planted last autumn. Currently UK wheat is trading below £200 per ton, well down on last year. Fortunate are those who sold ahead of harvest, I just wish we had more of the stuff in grain store.
Like so many we are turning off the BBC whether listening to the news, so-called comedy news quiz programmes and panel games. The BBC clearly believes its duty is to belittle the UK, the government, and the monarchy. It is open season for a steady stream of abuse, foul language, snide remarks, and downright lies about individuals they are keen to ‘cancel’, for political reasons or to raise a laugh.
The UK is apparently a basket case from which we all wish to escape. So, why is it that companies are queuing up to invest in UK plc, and the city of London, and migrants are prepared to risk lives in their quest to reach our shores?
It would seem that everyone known better than the government; would have done things differently, could have run the pandemic, Brexit, small boat invasion, the economy and the weather better. Really? Hindsight is a wonderful tool.
DEFRA have created a £4m fund to support small abattoirs, and about time too. Many have already closed and those remaining struggle to cope with the demand. Our nearest abattoir has a three-month waiting list for cattle, a situation which was unheard of until recently. The fund according to Defra minister Mark Spencer would be used to improve productivity and encourage investment in new technologies.
I hope it will also help to fund small abattoirs efforts to reach the standard required to become AVA Certified so we can get cattle processed for export to Singapore. I have customers waiting for the first shipment of Ote Hall grass fed Sussex beef but the nearest slaughterhouse is in Scotland.
Unless urgent action is taken more will close making it harder for farmers to process their livestock. We have been asking for help for this sector for years.