The campaigners are planning for up to 10,000 supporters to form a human wall of eco-warriors around Smithfield Market, in Farringdon, from October 7 onwards.
Surely with this much notice the authorities which should include government ministers and the metropolitan police authority, will ensure that this action motivated by extreme minority campaigners is prevented from taking place and closing down these legitimate and traditional businesses, even for one hour let alone two weeks.
Apparently this group have become emboldened having seen the chaos caused by Extinction Rebellion which closed down central London whilst the police stood by allowing the rabble to prevent Londoners getting to work and going about their legitimate business.
So we now have vegan activists and the rest, ‘informing’ the authorities that they will close down London’s oldest and largest wholesale meat market. Will this really be allowed to happen? Spokesman for AR, Alex Lockwood is clearly peddling ‘fake news’, regarding British agriculture’s contribution to climate change, in a bid to shut down livestock farming and the fishing industry.
These people obviously want civilisation to return to the Stone Age, but what they don’t take on board is that their direction of travel will bankrupt most countries which will shut down the welfare state, and health providers including the NHS, with obvious consequences.
As populations decline through illness, lack of health care and starvation, the remaining population will be driven to survive once again as hunter gatherers, thus completely turning their objective on its head.
These people need to get real, learn from history instead of burying their heads in the sand and allowing minority extremists to set their agenda.
It is refreshing to have a Prime Minister who is decisive. One who does not try to please everyone. I have yet to find anyone who is not 100% behind Boris Johnson’s drive to ensure that the United Kingdom leaves the EU on 31 October.
Where on earth Momentum managed to drag up the rabble at the weekend who managed to disrupt normal life in a selection of towns and cities is questionable. It appears the numbers were made up of disparate groups including Remainers and Corbynites. Also Irish Republicans and even Scottish independents. There were many Vegans and lots of snowflakes. They waved banners and EU flags but few if any Union Jacks, or anyone standing up for Britain’s true democracy and independence.
They ignore the fact that Boris has prorogued Parliament not to force through a No Deal Brexit but so he can broker a fair deal with the EU. The truth is that those fuelling the fires with their hollow outrage, will do anything to ensure the UK remains tethered to their tin pot dictator friends in Brussels.
The people of Britain voted to leave the European Union with the biggest vote ever seen in this country. After three years of painful negotiations where Mrs May agreed to hand the United Kingdom to the EU on a plate, Boris and his team have thankfully entered the arena to ensure that Brexit is delivered.
The PM understands that it is the British people who count, not retired has been veterans like Blair, Brown and Major. Or Hammond, Starmer, Corbyn, McDonnell, Harman and Ken Clarke, who are trying to force Parliament to act against the wishes of the people who elected them.
Indeed there is a coup but it is not being mounted by the Prime Minister.