If I still had children of school age and they returned after the break to find the girl’s bathrooms unisex, and that boys, including those wishing to identify as girls, were invading their space, I would withdraw my daughter until common sense prevailed.
Similarly, whatever possessed a judge and prison governor to allow an ‘entire’ man who had chosen to ‘identify’ as a women, into an all women gaol? Surely no one is surprised when he molested and raped the inmates.
If a man retains his reproductive tackle he is a man. If he wants to identify as a woman, then as we do with male cattle, which we do not wish to reproduce or molest females, we chop off the offending equipment. It can be done with a scalpel or bloodlessly with a clamp. Either way is permanent and final, no messing about.
Like Boris or loath him, his analysis at the weekend, although brutal made a point. The Prime Minister has capitulated to Brussels with her fellow ‘Remainers’. Trying to pass off the Chequers deal as Brexit to the British public, is clearly not what we voted for.
At least Boris has the guts and integrity to point out the gaping flaws in Mrs May’s strategy, and how far removed she is from her Lancaster House commitment.
He has certainly stirred up a hornets nest. Alan Duncan’s hissy fit, declaring Boris’s honest interpretation of the state of play as, “one of the most disgusting moments in modern British politics”, is baffling. Where has Mr Duncan been for the past 25 years? Boris’s comments are considered compared with the rubbish emitted from the mouths of Messer’s Blair, Mandelson and Campbell.
If the Prime Minister doesn’t have the ‘balls’ to stand up to Messer’s Barnier and Juncker, then she should stand aside for someone, anyone, who does. We must put our cards on the table with a plan, including a Canada style free-trade agreement with knobs on.
Also, a greatly reduced payment. £39b is absurd in the current circumstances. Brussels is offering nothing in return, and has gone out of the way to undermine our negotiating team, including Mrs May. Leaving them looking weak and incompetent.
The official population of the UK in 2018 is 66,573,504. An increase of 391,919 on last year.
According to a major high street supermarket chain, British food retailers are in fact feeding a population in excess of 77million! I understand this is being kept under wraps. Why? Who are they? Where are they, and why are they not accounted for?
This matter must be investigated. Journalists including from The Grocer Magazine and Farmers Weekly, must demand access to Home Office records and delve into the food distribution network.
Our streets are awash with criminals, and now we hear murderers are to be released early. A Life sentence should mean life, not a few years tucked away in institutions on three meals a day, watching TV, making telephone calls, and insisting upon top of the range health care. This is costing the public more than sending a boy to Eton for a similar stretch.
It is time the UK took lessons from Singapore where the system ensures zero crime. Harsh but effective. Also, National Service ensures every male joins the army or police for two years, guaranteeing many boots on the streets.
Too many British youths lack role models, discipline and ambition. Two years of nurture and training should make our streets safer, and set most on a path to prosperity and a life of usefulness.