The more recent campaign to ‘Tidy up Britain’ has also caught on. It is good to see people making a major effort to pick up litter from parks, beaches and roadsides. Unfortunately their efforts do not appear to have made much of an impact in Sussex. I know valiant members of the public, including community groups, school children and club members are trying but so far their endeavours are but a drop in the ocean.
We shall never get our county cleaned up until the lazy louts who continue to drop litter, throw McDonalds wrappers out of car windows, and toss empty cans and bottles into hedgerows are named, shamed and pressed ganged into clearing up the disgraceful mess they are contributing to.
Every morning we find fresh rubbish littering the end of the farm drive. And each day fly tipper’s debris and filth is dumped in farmer’s field entrances and farmyards.
Driving along the A23, A27, and the A259 to Hastings as we did last week, we were shocked to see the mountains of litter clinging to hedges, along verges, and blowing into fields where sheep were grazing.
This is an epidemic which starts with the casual attitude of not caring or having pride in our surroundings and communities. We should naturally have respect in our DNA. Sadly the demise of the feeling of pride in our community and country is linked to the reason we have escalating delinquency, including the shocking statistics of knife crime, now at an all-time high.
What I fail to understand is the attitude of politicians and authorities who should be keeping our streets safe. They wring their hands complaining they do not understand why this has happened. To most it is perfectly clear. When the Politically Correct decided to take charge of society, including abolishing discipline in schools, at home where they interfere with child nurturing and family life, with their ‘anything goes’ attitude, and ‘children must be allowed to do as they please’, the rot set in.
We now have several generations who believe they are untouchable, have no respect for anyone or anything, let alone themselves. They have never been disciplined or taught manners, how to respect their elders, authority and other people’s opinions. Without boundaries and basic rules the result is feral kids and adults, and a dangerous lawless culture which has already taken over towns, cities and playgrounds.
How to turn the clock back or put the Genie back in the bottle is without doubt a challenge. But until someone is courageous enough to take a grip, end the PC culture and reintroduce discipline, putting an end to this dangerous and destructive philosophy which the majority of law abiding citizens are currently forced to tolerate, things will only get worse.
Parents should be able to bring up their children in a civilised, safe and disciplined manner and environment. Schools, colleges, universities, and youth organisations must introduce a culture of discipline, politeness, kindness and respect for authority.
If society does not get a grip now and implement dramatic changes, it would be wise to brush up on William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, for surely this is the kind of world we are heading towards, fast.
Mrs May is heading into dangerous territory, she is clearly not delivering Brexit and her duplicity is breath-taking. The Prime Minister is being humiliated by her counterparts in Brussels who are showing their utter contempt as their backs are now up against the wall.
March 29 cannot come soon enough, when we must Leave and she must go.