This helps considerably on saving straw for winter bedding, and also stretches out the feed. Although they require supplementary feeding as there is little feed value in the grass, they are content.
As one views our glorious countryside, it is particularly distressing to hear reports of the increase in crime, and the slaughter of teenagers on the streets of London and other cities.
The police clearly cannot cope with the rise in gang war fare and violence. We need greater numbers on the streets, and communities engaging with the police.
The threat of ‘no win no fee’, lawyers who cost the tax paying public millions of pounds, paying out compensation, 50% of which goes to the lawyers, must end.
These cases span across all services from the Police to the NHS, and the Ambulance and Fire Services. We all accept these services for free. By doing so an automatic disclaimer should be in place, to cover any accidents, preventing us from being able to sue. If we don’t like this system, we can always seek help elsewhere. No doubt private companies covered by private insurance will spring up.
The re-introduction of National Service is now essential. It is no good saying it would be too costly. Escalating individual and mob violence, and the over flowing prisons, are a greater cost both financially and socially.
In Singapore all young men sign up for a compulsory two years. They then return for training each year for the following ten years, and must be prepared to be called up at any time.
During basic training they get fit and learn disciple. They are recruited to the armed services, police, as border guards or customs officers. This ensures there are plenty of boots on the ground, and wearing their distinctive uniforms their presence on the streets is highly visible.
British young men and women would benefit hugely, and there should be the option to train as nurses and community care services. There is a shortage of home grown young people entering these professions, and many will choose to continue their training after the compulsory two years.
National Service will ensure there is integration of communities, races and social backgrounds. Mix them up and they will learn to get along. Teach them how to accept discipline, structure and hard work. Some of it will stick and they will learn to respect others, and above all themselves.
The armed services need to toughen up. The recent announcements regarding women and transgender does not instil confidence, and is an insult to our highly disciplined, exceptionally able and fit professional troops.
During this special week as we remember our ancestors who gave their lives for us in both World Wars, we can be sure they would be dismayed to see the direction Great Britain is heading. It is time to toughen up.
Some Remainers oppose Brexit by saying the UK is too small to go it alone. Singapore has a population of just 6 million, compared to our official figure of 66 million.
In 1990 the average wage in Singapore was £500/month, here it was £1,000/month. Today in Singapore it is £5,000/month, in the UK £2,500.
Tax in Singapore is 10 – 12%. MPs are paid one millions pounds per annum! They are highly skilled, experienced people, who are incorruptible, and do not claim expenses.
Westminster would do well to emulate this system, and at the same time reduce dramatically the number of MPs. The proposed boundary changes should be re visited urgently.
David Cameron is apparently considering returning to Westminster. I wonder which party he would join, as on past form he certainly is not a Conservative.