He has apparently, got it into his head, that by appearing on BBC’s Countryfile, he will persuade the majority ‘Vote Leave’ farming and rural community, to change our minds and follow his lead like lambs to the slaughter, over the proverbial cliff into the arms of the unelected European Union Commissioners.
They will continue to control farmers with ‘hand outs’, which are in essence financial bribes to fundamentally stop farming. Thus turning us from farmers to park keepers, and Great Britain into the ‘playground of Europe’. It is a form of land nationalisation, by the back door. Unfortunately in the current financial climate, many farms cannot survive without support of some kind, which makes them vulnerable.
I am beginning to believe those who say the Prime Minister and his Secretary of State for Agriculture Liz Truss, look upon the majority of us who work on the land and within the rural community, who will Vote Leave, as being either stupid or bonkers.
To be fair, no government has ever ‘loved’ the farming community. We are considered to be too independent and bloody minded, and at times when fighting disease such as Foot & Mouth and the ongoing crises of Bovine TB, costly.
What they fail to understand, is that without us ‘bloody minded farmers’ taking care of the countryside, keeping it beautiful, well managed and above all productive and sustainable, the landscape would be very different. There would be fewer tourists visiting the British countryside, less income from exports, a lack of food security, less rural employment, less support for rural businesses, and not as many people living and working in the countryside.
If farming were to be abandoned the landscape as we know and love it, would, despite a few remaining farmer’s efforts, quickly become an unattractive no-go area as nature takes over, with dense undergrowth, gorse, brambles and blackthorn. And of course the steady march of happy developers eating up the countryside and covering it with concrete, bricks and tarmac. Goodbye green and pleasant land.
Liz Truss is busy trying to persuade farmers that access to the European export market will be denied to us from the moment we Vote to Leave the European Union. Why she believes this is a mystery. Other non-European states have no tariffs, have reciprocal arrangements on exports, healthcare, university access and police co-operation, and importantly autonomy in agriculture and fisheries.
What Brexit does means is the freedom to start altering these deals. We can choose which common EU policies to pull out of and which to retain. As Lord Rose the Leader of Remain said recently, “It’s not going to be a step change, it’s going to be a gentle process. Nothing is going to happen if we come out of Europe in the first five years. There will be absolutely no change”.
Do we really want to stay and accept the EU’s continuing economic, political, fiscal and military amalgamation? Do we want to support more bailouts, and be part of the unfolding migration disaster? Voting to Leave is the only way to avoid these risks. It is the safer option.
The warm damp weather has at last encouraged the arable crops and grass to grow. And the maize sown only days ago, has already germinated and soon this crop, grown for silage to feed the few remaining dairy herds in the district, during the winter months, will be over six feet tall.
We must hope the arable crops also grow robustly, as we certainly need a good yield to make up for the poor price per ton for wheat, barley and beans we are being offered.