Boris has the majority he needs to lead an effective Parliament. Conservative MPs are hopefully all on the same team and will work to honour his pledge to ‘Get Brexit Done’, and put Great Britain and the people first.
The House of Commons fortunately has a new impartial, honest and dignified Speaker, a stark contrast to the last one.
Despite what some of my fellow farmers say, this result with the certainty of Brexit to follow, will be a boost for British agriculture. Prices have been in the doldrums for too long, things can only improve.
Farmers should have more faith in their ability to weather storms both natural and financial, and learn to manage without being propped up with state aid, mostly encouraging us not to produce food.
The exceptions are tenant farmers, and those only just surviving on subsistence and extensive farming on the hills and moors of our beautiful country. These farmers work tirelessly protecting and enhancing the landscape and protecting the environment and wildlife. They should be supported with public money for public good, their land management and livestock are invaluable for preserving Britain’s iconic landscapes.
The winter continues with exceptionally high rainfall which is wreaking havoc with plans for planting next year’s harvest. Few of us have crops in the ground and those who have watch as they slowly become water logged at best, totally submerged at worst. Rice would have been a better option but I doubt we have the right climate for that crop either.
The public have made the right choice and voted in a strong government with a powerful and principled leader. Now is the time for the same public to support one of our most important industries - British Agriculture.
It is unhelpful to restrict diets to vegan food much of which is developed from reconstructed soya, pulses and palm oil. These crops are rapidly replacing traditional rain forests in South America and Indonesia. Countries which have much to answer for the damage the forest clearance has already contributed to climate change.
As the slogan goes, ‘Use us or Lose us’. British farmers generate the best home grown food in the world. Our beef, lamb, pork, dairy produce, fruit and vegetables supply us with highest welfare and standard food money can buy. It is safe, local and healthy - Buy British, Buy Often and support this vital industry.
It is depressing that even now as the General Election is over and infinite analysis of why’s and where fore’s continue across the airwaves, the impartiality of commentators is dismal. To their shame the media have not accepted that the British people have cast their votes and chosen who they wish to run the country.
The public have put their faith in Boris to lead the nation forward out of the EU into a brighter, prosperous and fairer future.
Listening to the offensive and patronising dialogue coming from the mouths of so called ‘professional’ political commentators, who demean their profession by stooping to the level of their left wing and bitter friends who so badly read the wishes of the people, is depressing.
Their job is to mediate debate not sneer at the Prime Minister and MPs chosen by the public to lead this great country forward. They should reflect the public mood and not give air time to the very people who have consistently done their best to thwart the will of the electorate. By so doing they demonstrate their utter lack of professionalism.
Boris is right to question the purpose of the BBC, an organisation which should be unbiased in its role as the British Broadcasting Corporation.