However, now it is important to find the silver lining. The Conservatives won with 43 per cent of the vote, Theresa May polling more votes than anyone since Margaret Thatcher. And the really good news is that in the short term at least, there will be no more talk about Scottish independence from Ms Sturgeon, who has firmly been told to get back in her box.
Mrs May must embrace and include the Welsh, the majority of whom voted for Brexit. The Irish will hopefully also come on board if only to ensure they are part of the negotiations to achieve a workable Brexit with a practical border solution.
Labour fought the election on the basis they supported Article 50, and promising that they would honour the outcome of the Referendum, and seek a ‘fair deal’ on Brexit. Now is not the time to renege on that.
If factions within the Conservative party will refrain from squabbling and back stabbing, and certain suspects for a change put the country before their egos, the Prime Minister should be able to approach Brexit negotiations on the 19th June, with a ‘United kingdom’. Something impossible before the election, and doubtful if the Conservatives now had a stonking majority.
One name which should appear in this week’s Birthday Honours is that of Nigel Farage. I am no supporter of UKIP but there is no other politician who currently deserves to be recognised for his contribution to British politics than he. He has shown passion, commitment, and unlike some I could mention, he has principles.
Nigel Farage has shown uncompromising loyalty and patriotism to the sovereignty of our parliament, the Monarchy and country. Leaving politics aside, he set the bar high as an example of someone who is willing to put country first. He raised his head above the parapet, accepted abuse and ridicule, all because he cares.
Having been MEP for South East England since 1999, he knows better than most the absurdity and danger of allowing our democracy and sovereignty to be squandered and abused in Brussels.
If Mrs May wishes to demonstrate her strength, which is currently severely dented, show some common sense, and get a huge majority of the public on her side, she should recognise his ability, keep him close and offer him a peerage. The alternative could well see a relaunch of UKIP, resulting in votes leaching from the Conservatives at the next election.
It is high time the press and media remember their purpose is to report news, not drive it. In particular the BBC which owes its existence to the British taxpayer, should refrain from attempting to influence the outcome of the democratic process of British politics. It’s attitude and direction throughout the election period has been highly questionable.
Regrettably the people who are influenced are on the whole naïve and selfish, whose main objectivity is to grab what they can, with little regard for others. Nor for the security of the country, its prosperity and that of future generations, in part caused by inadequate, inaccurate and politicised education.
The London to Brighton bike ride is next weekend, a very commendable event, which I am sure raises considerable funds for charity.
The roads of Sussex cannot cope with the everyday upsurge of bikes. No longer can traffic queues be blamed on farmers, tractors today keep up with local traffic, and if not we are well trained to pull over.
Not so the cyclists, they create queues trailing back miles causing massive delays and anger and frustration amongst motorists. This is no longer acceptable, a new code must be introduced before this unacceptable situation gets any worse.