It appears that most Conservatives and former UKIP supporters, now plan on voting for Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party. A significant number of former Remainers, Labour and Lib Dem supporters, and Independents have also turned their allegiance to Nigel Farage.
The main reasons being the intransigence, and utter contempt for the UK by Michel Barnier, Jean-Claude Junker, Guy Verhofstadt, Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron. And, the sheer incompetence and resolve to ignore the ‘will of the people’, by the likes of Olly Robbins, Mrs May, her spineless cabinet, and those from both sides of the House, who are determined to ‘stop Brexit’.
A strong, competent Prime Minister with leadership skills, who believed in democracy, we would have ensured we had left the EU by now.
A confident PM would have taken advice from Nigel Farage, Daniel Hannan and others who know where the skeletons are buried in the cupboards of Brussels. Anyone other than Mrs May would not have tolerated the nonsense from the EU bullies, as she has done. They would have effected an Exit strategy in the best interest of the UK, on March 29.
The economy, manufacturing, businesses, the city, export deals and everything which makes this great Nation prosper, would by now be steaming ahead. Instead this weak Prime Minister has achieved little other than bring humiliation upon herself, whilst the country is treading water and stagnating whilst the uncertainty she has personally perpetrated continues.
We all knew that Brexit meant leaving the Customs Union, Single Market and European Court of Justice, as told repeatedly during the referendum by David Cameron, George Osborne, Mark Carney and every other Tom, Dick and Harry on both sides of the argument.
The exit process has been led by people with little experience or negotiating skills, while Mrs May has thrown in banana skins from the side-lines, thwarting any progress. She has cosied up to her mates in Brussels who have helped her craft an exit strategy which is to all purposes Remain.
The public showed their contempt for the Prime Minister when voting in the local elections. Mrs May insisted it was not ‘about her’. It certainly was, and if she had bothered to knock on doors, not carefully selected by her aides, she would have got the message loud and clear.
The Lib Dems suggest that people voted for them because they want to Remain in the EU. They will understand their mistake, as will Mrs May and her EU chums, on Thursday 23rd May.
The point about the Brexit Party is that it is apolitical. Nigel Farage’s party is not about party politics, it is about democracy.
The Conservative Prime Minister and Labour leadership have let the people and the country down; they have sided with the EU, rather than in the best interest of the United Kingdom. So now we must take this opportunity to make our voices heard, by voting once again for independence and above all democracy, by voting for Brexit.
The countryside is once again green and lush, the much needed rain a welcome relief to the parched crops which were stressed through lack of moisture. Now the crops and pastures have perked up and are recovering well.
Some dairy farmers who I am reliably informed were spotted performing rain dances, have been rewarded for their efforts with heavy showers on their recently sown maize. Tractors had been disappearing into clouds of dust as they drilled tinder dry fields. It is good to know that someone is looking out for the farming community.