Why the authorities in Dagenham turned a blind eye to the unorthodox slaughter and ritual butchering of livestock which took place in a back garden, is baffling. It appears what is unacceptable for the majority, is tolerated if carried out by a minority, because it is their ‘custom’, at times of Islamic festivals.
However, when the majority of the British wish to celebrate our ‘festivals’, for example Christmas, some authorities now insist we do not offend minorities who do not share our culture. So Christmas becomes a ‘Happy Holiday’, carols are no longer welcome in public, and God help us if a minority is offended by our church bells ringing.
A French Vegan Festival in Calais, was cancelled by the local council for ‘public safety’ reasons, as they were expecting some public disorder.
Local farmers, hunters, butchers, restaurateurs and other providers of meat, in northern France, were planning a Big Barbeque to counter the Vegan Festival. They are angry that vegans are vandalising butchers, restaurants and abattoirs.
The majority of the French population are meat eaters but vegans are determined to inflict their minority culture upon the masses.
John Bache, chairman of the Magistrates Association has suggested that people with criminal records should be recruited to sit as magistrates. His theory is that this would make them ‘more representative of the population’!
This rather implies that a majority of the population have criminal records. Can this really be true? Or, is this another case where a minority of the population take priority over law abiding citizens?
Mr Gove plans new legislation to ‘outlaw’ perfectly acceptable, if used properly, training collars for dogs. A minority of campaigners, and the tiny minority who misuse these collars, have influenced policy, and the majority of responsible owners now face prosecution under this new legislation.
The ban will not improve the welfare of animals, and it will not stop those who abuse their dogs. They will find a way around it. However, pets which happily respond to the bleep from these collars, as they have been trained to do, will no longer enjoy the freedom the collars have given them, if the ban is implemented.
Before Mr Gove signs off the legislation, I would recommend he visits homes and farms where these devices are used responsibly. He has obviously once again been over influenced by a minority.
It is quite beyond comprehension why anyone would want to wander around naked, let alone in a public place such as Tate Britain. Mr Philip Baker from East Sussex has requested a private viewing with fellow nudists, of an exhibition of paintings celebrating the naked human.
So far it is reported that Tate Britain has failed to respond, which is gratifying. Why should a tiny minority of people who choose to wander around in the buff, be allowed a private viewing in one of the capital’s most prestigious galleries?
Mind you, this could set a trend. Perhaps a group of farmers should request a private viewing to see works with livestock and landscapes by John Constable, Sir Edwin Landseer, Thomas Sidney Cooper and Turner. We could insist on wearing wellington boots coated in slurry!
Fishermen could request private viewings of sea faring paintings by Rembrant, Renoire and Jan Brueghel, while fully clad in sow westers with pockets full of smelly fish.
The quiet majority now fear the influence of minorities, and the Government bends to their demands. The majority voted to Leave the EU, but Remainers and far left have the loudest voices, and a perverse sense of entitlement.
We need a Prime Minister with a back bone to stand up to these bullies? Let us hope one is identified soon.