This charity, the first of its kind in Sussex, was a ‘blueprint’ for other towns which followed their lead. Uckfield is spotless even after major events as every Sunday morning the volunteers go out litter picking.
The rubbish across Sussex alongside roads is worse than ever. Having enquired when the councils will clean up, I was told ‘never’! There are no funds, and in today’s risk averse world, this work is now considered too ‘dangerous’.
The guy I spoke to was very cross. He said he and his colleagues had cleared the verges every year until 2021. But now our countryside will resemble a third world country.
What is the answer? Should communities, like Uckfield, encourage volunteers to take pride in their community? The public, clearly unlike council officials, care deeply about the environment. They are also not risk averse but happy to engage in such work and should perhaps take responsibility for the cleanup.
If authorities have decided they are no longer accountable for clearing our highways, it leaves the public to step up and take control.
It is shocking that it has taken a brave 14-year-old school girl – too scared to be identified for fear of reprisals – not a teacher, to explain why school children are choosing to transgender. Apparently, these kids are considered cool, they get special treatment, and become the center of attention when they declare they are trans or non-binary.
Teachers are terrified of being called out as transphobes or bigots and discouraged from questioning these children’s unnatural attention seeking behavior.
At this 14-year old’s school, coming out as a lesbian or gay is no longer ‘fashionable’, so barely any students do so. The current trend is all about trans.
Surely it is time, before this fad goes too far, to call a halt, instill some common sense, respect, dignity, and discipline. These kids should not be indulged, they are at school to be educated, they are not places to mess up these kid’s lives.
Schools should be safe places where boys are boys, and girls are girls. What they get up to at home is up to their parents, they should not be bringing this nonsense into classrooms. Life is hard enough without creating confusion and fear.
According to ‘officials’ from the Government’s Prevent Programme, Jacob Rees-Mogg, along with the 52% of us who voted for Brexit, are far-right extremists. To be ‘actively patriotic and proud’ is now deemed to be a danger to the UK’s security. You really couldn’t make this stuff up.