Mr Rickard aims his criticism at farmers in particular, saying they thought they could ‘mop up the land once owned by smaller neighbours who could go bust without subsidies’. Actually, the majority of farmers running small family farms voted LEAVE.
Last year the referendum gave a clear majority to leave the EU, the Customs Union and Single Market. We were told by the Prime Minister David Cameron and his chancellor George Osbourne, that by voting OUT, that would happen.
Now individual politicians, minority political parties, and others like Mr Rickard, are determined to ignore the will of the people.
Sir Vince Cable has the audacity to call the many sane, thoughtful, and patriotic individuals who voted LEAVE, ‘Brexit jihadis’!
The arrogance of the people who are determined to halt Brexit and impose their will, is breath taking. Sir Vince, Rickard, Tony Blair, Richard Branson, and Michael Heseltine are prime examples. Heseltine only last week said that those who wish to thwart the democratic will of the British people, still have a small window of opportunity to change the agenda by ‘taking to the streets to stop Brexit’.
Vince Cable insults the Brexiteers by labelling them old, on their death beds and irresponsible. He should get his facts right. Vast numbers of young and middle aged voted to LEAVE, because they saw the opportunities to expand as a nation, and take back control of our sovereignty, borders, trade and judiciary.
The Prime Minister has confirmed that unless Brussels co-operates through the negotiations, and accepts Britain’s proposals, which have, contrary to the word on the street, been carefully constructed, she will walk away and leave them to sort out their own mess. Hopefully she will stick to her word.
The UK owes the EU nothing, but if they wish to divide up the ‘family silver’, and hand over our share, that is fine. But to have to pay to keep them in the life style to which they have become accustomed, for the rest of the EU’s existence, including Mr Juncker’s exorbitant travel allowance, is totally unacceptable.
It is always a pleasure to visit beautiful properties, many of which are under the care of the National Trust. Former owners, unable to find the resources to run and maintain their homes, have handed them over for safe keeping for the nation.
The public appreciate the privilege of visiting beautiful buildings, many historical, and well maintained grounds. They happily pay to do so knowing they support the upkeep for future generations to enjoy.
Those who finance charities such as the National Trust, RSPCA and RPB, do so to help them achieve the work they were originally set up for, not to prop up a political agenda. They should be caring for injured or abused animals, and creating and maintaining natural habitats where many species of birds can thrive, and preserving our heritage.
Unfortunately throughout the voluntary sector, including many charities, there are to be found a minority, but a significant number, who use their positions to promote their political views, or to climb the greasy poll.
The days when people became involved in charities to support and promote the root cause of these organisations, is sadly declining. Too many individuals who float to the top have agendas for self-promotion, or financial reward.
Camila Batmanghelidjh and Alan Yentob of Kids Company, are typical examples. Gavin Grant who stood down from the RSPCA lost huge public support for the charity through his agenda, and currently Dame Helen Ghosh who made a complete nonsense demanding volunteers at National Trust properties sported inappropriate badges. This problem needs addressing, urgently.