Nature works in mysterious ways, particularly in the animal kingdom. As populations of species or a community of animals become over crowded in the wild or those being farmed intensively, natural culls occur. Sometimes due to lack of food resulting in famine, or disease such as Myxomatosis in rabbits. A disease which regularly thins out the rabbit world, leaving only the fittest to carry on and procreate.
Most wild animals have predators which ensure their numbers are kept in check. Amongst domesticated animals such as cattle, poultry or pigs, Mother Nature has a nasty habit of introducing diseases such as Foot & Mouth, Swine or Avian Flu, which are hugely expensive to eradicate until the next outbreak. However, they certainly do their job to thin out the numbers.
But what about us humans, who or what are our predators, what will control our numbers in years to come?
At a time when the Western world is rapidly becoming over populated, intensified by mass migration, what will be the trigger that will check overpopulation?
Must we rely upon conflict and wars which have wreaked devastation wiping out vast numbers of healthy young men in particular, over two World Wars, and civil wars which continue in different parts of the world? Or, can we count on diseases such as Marburg Virus as virus similar to Ebola, and Swine and Bird flues, Sars, or something unknown?
When Stephen Hawking predicted the end of the world, he said the major threats to human life were nuclear war, global warming and an outbreak of genetically engineered viruses.
He is convinced that the most likely end to human existence is an outbreak of a previously unknown disease, like zoonotic (diseases that jump from animals to humans). The fact that new potentially human eradication diseases like Ebola keep popping up around the world, only makes him even more certain.
The theory is that humans over populate and encroach upon the natural world, forcing previously isolated animals into unnatural habits and contact with humans. They then potentially pass on diseases for which our immune systems have no natural defences. And, with our increasingly global nation, such diseases have the ability to spread rapidly across international borders.
It is said that with the right combination of a high fatality rate, a high contagious pathogen and globally connected area, a new disease could rapidly wipe out the entire human race. Some scientists believe it is only a matter of time.
Sir James Munby, the chief family judge, said the state and society ‘will have blood on our hands’ if a 17 year old due to be freed from prison this week, is not found a place in a secure mental health unit. The girl is considered ‘dangerous and uncontrollable’ and intent upon killing herself, requiring two permanent guards within an arm’s length of her 24 hours a day.
With due respect to Sir James who blames the NHS for the lack of secure beds within the system, I think attention should be directed at the causes of the huge increase in mental health cases, particularly amongst the young. It is the sheer numbers which are the problem, not the NHS or their hard working teams.
Children and young adults require a safe, secure environment to grow up and become successful members of society. They need boundaries and rules, not grey areas lacking in discipline, affection, care and direction.
It is little wonder we now see so many with mental health problems, the system of 'liberal’ freedoms has badly let them down. They have no direction, aspirations, or respect for others or themselves. Rules are vital in a civilised world; life is hard enough and without the right mental tools, society breaks down.