It appears that the cereal crops so far harvested, are indicating disappointing yields, which is reflected on the price which is pushing slowing upwards. Grain prices will also be boosted by the drop in the value of sterling, and this too should benefit CAP support payments. That somewhat depends on whether the RPA can get its act together this year, and get the payments out to the farmers. Some are still waiting for cheques which should have been delivered last December.
I am beginning to wonder what ever happened to good manners and tolerance. It seems that everyone must have their own way, and if things do not go according to plan, they consider it is acceptable to either physically or verbally attack those with opposing views.
People are becoming increasingly intolerant and abusive, and will allow differing opinions,. Nor are they prepared to accept the result of a democratic vote unless their side wins. This has been evident over the referendum, and now the nasty side of the Labour Party, which is determined to keep Jeremy Corbyn as leader, are threatening physical assault upon those who dare to question his competence.
This intolerance of views of others is unhealthy and disturbing. This wave of aggression is dangerous and should be stamped out now. It is a sign of weakness not strength, and demonstrates the very poor quality, and low standard of so called leaders in Parliament.
If they were strong, disciplined and worthy of leadership, they would set an example of high principles and behaviour. Sadly there is a scarcity of role models, and we now watch third rate individuals who allow their unprincipled side-kicks to intimidate and bully.
Talking of poor standards, the report that an independent review has suggested that MPs should be allowed to breastfeed in the House of Commons chamber, during debates, is outrageous. Unsurprisingly the controversial Speaker, Joh Berkow, who has done little to maintain the standards of Parliament, but appears to enjoy dragging it down to his level, suggests that allowing women to breastfeed would be “symbolic” and showcase the Commons as a role model and a “parent-friendly institution”! Whatever next, play pens behind the speaker’s chair?
This suggestion demeans the serious nature and traditions of Parliament, and is quite unnecessary. If MPs wish to feed their babies, there are plenty of rooms where they can do so, and still watch the debate as every room in the Palace of Westminster has a screen showing live the current debate.
There have been women and mothers in Parliament for nearly a hundred years. They have maintained their dignity and that of the House, without having to bring their baby into the debating chamber. What is so exceptional about the current female MPs? It is a ridiculous suggestion, it flies in the face of dignity, tradition and the solemnity of Parliament, and quite frankly lowers the standards to an unacceptable level.
No woman wishing to be treated equally to their male counterparts in the business world would insist on breastfeeding in the board room. The only reason this could happen in Parliament would be to simply make a point that they can do whatever they wish. Someone needs to tell them they can’t, and it is about time Mr Bercow is replaced before he brings the Mother of Parliament into further disrepute, and lowers its standards irretrievably.
While on my rant, someone also should tell David Cameron he must not fill the already heaving benches of the Upper House with his mates. If he wants to thank them for their personal support, he should introduce a Prime Minister’s Medal, which they can wear on their chest with pride. But to inflict more useless individuals into the House of Lords is crazy.