We are told the conservatives won the red wall seats in the 2019 General Election; no, they did not, it was Boris who won the voter’s trust. Had he remained in situ we would have moved forward taking advantage of Brexit. The country would have had a credible leader and I suspect Labour would be 20 points behind in the polls. His enemies, the media, Europhiles and the left did an excellent job painting him as dishonest, when nothing could have been further from the truth.
I feel sorry for hard working proper Conservative MPs who slave away week after week working in their constituencies pushing against the tide, trying to sell a reason to support a party which I suspect they no longer recognise. These are the people we will be voting for not the so-called leadership.
What a pity Rishi Sunak did not activate the plan to revive national service before now. This is a plan which most people, except the lefties & his political rivals, will support. I have advocated the introduction of national service in the UK since my visit to Singapore in 2018. There, young men, and women sign up for a compulsory two years. They are recruited to the armed services, police, as border guards or customs officers. Some return for training each year for the following ten years and must be prepared to be called up at any time.
There is no need to activate a Royal Commission to mull over the idea which would take months if not years. Get the blueprint from Singapore and go for it. So far, the PM’s plan sounds a bit timid but trawl down the system used in Singapore and the resulting transformation of the young will be remarkable.
Already we hear senior men in the military criticising the idea. No doubt they are concerned about manpower and costs. But looking towards the end game we can look forward to generations of young people who are less likely to get into trouble, remain workshy, ignorant, and useless to society.
National service will ensure there is also integration of communities, races, and social backgrounds. Mix them up and they will learn to get along. Teach them how to accept discipline, structure, and hard work. Some of it will stick and they will learn to respect others, and above all themselves.
In Singapore following national service many decide to sign up permanently with the armed services, the police, health care, border force, police, charities or in education. They accept discipline, order, and develop a work ethic plus much more besides. So here at last is a policy which should inspire the public to put their X against the conservative candidate on their ballot paper.
As children we very quickly learnt that it was wise to see all, hear all and say nothing – well, very little as we learnt to understand our place within our family’s hierarchy and eventually amongst our peers and society.
As we began to find our feet and indeed our voices, with our parent’s approval and encouragement we started to make our mark, have opinions, and allow our characters to emerge and grow, hopefully having absorbed some wisdom whilst watching, listening, and reading. We were then able to say what we thought and enter constructive discussions with knowledge and confidence.
That was I believe how things used to be. Today it seems many young people do little listening and even less learning. They develop opinions, much of which they pick up from their peers and from social media which are often wrong and posted with little knowledge of true facts. A good example being the ‘useful idiots’ demonstrating in support of Hamas’s attack on October 7. As Andrew Neil points out, “the more elite the British University, the more stupid the students”.
It would appear that they decide what they do and don’t want to hear, shutting out the opportunity to discuss intelligently, and debate subjects of all persuasions, They have pre-determined blinkered and narrow perspectives, and anything other than their exclusive view now ‘offends’ their sensitivity.
Caught up into this world are the students who are trashing their university campuses, stopping others from learning, abusing and threatening Jewish students with their antisemitic rhetoric and causing offense. The same happened during the riots and instability caused by ‘black lives matter’.
Somewhat surprisingly these white middle class British students are wearing the keffiyeh headdress as worn by the terrorists and their compatriots who massacred the young women and children, and beheaded babies at the Kibbutz music festival. Those they kidnapped are now being returned as decomposing bodies in coffins.
Instead of facilitating these people, the universities should send them down, fine them for causing damage and interrupting their fellow student’s education, exams and graduations. Some commentators have suggested that if they want to support terrorists, they should be treated as terrorists.
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