Soon it could be a criminal offence for parents to discipline or chastise children. If they attempt to restrain a child with a slap, to prevent it throwing itself downstairs or in front of a bus. Or from touching a hot hob, bashing its sibling across the head with a meat clever, throwing scalding water over the cat, or any such apparently ‘acceptable’ misdemeanour, in future parents must stand by and allow them to go ahead.
Parents will no longer be able to protect their children. Kids will have ‘the right’ to injure themselves, their families and friends and their poor undeserving pets, without being chastised or restrained.
Four children’s commissioners are asking the United Nations to force the UK government to ban parents from smacking their children. They consider a slap to be a form of corporal punishment, and believe children should be protected from such ‘violence’.
A primary school has banned the use of whistles which they consider to be ‘too scary and aggressive’, for pupils to cope with.
Another has forbidden children from playing tag because the occasional shirt gets ripped and some children don’t like being chased. Another is changing its school uniform from predominantly red, as this is considered to be ‘an aggressive colour’!
University students want to be protected from words such as war, violence, rape, and work, in case they trigger thoughts which bring on panic attacks. These senior students are being provided with ‘quiet rooms’ where they can hug teddy bears and listen to soothing lullabies, and sounds reminiscent of time spent in their mother’s womb!
For goodness sake, I really do fear for these young people when they have to cope with life outside the education system. Surely it is our duty, and the education system’s to prepare our young for anything that life throws at them. At their peril we over protect and wrap them up in cotton wool, and just pray that their life will be perfect with no stress, little hardship, and pretend they will never have to cope with anything more disastrous than a broken finger nail or a puncture in their rear wheel!
Life is tough, and brings with it challenges both physical and mental. Our children should be prepared to take what is thrown at them, in their stride. No child will be mentally scarred for life from a well-meaning and well timed slap, and without doubt parents are better placed than the state to know what is best for their children.
School and university is where we learn about life in a controlled environment. It may well include coping with their peers, or being brought up sharp by a teacher blowing a whistle or shouting to get their attention. Or being grabbed by their mates as they are shoved aside to ensure they win and you lose, and going home with grazed knees. It is all part of growing up, not a criminal offence.
University students cannot cancel speakers whose views they disagree with, or make them feel uncomfortable, they must learn to respect free speech. The concept of a ‘safe room’ for young adults who are old enough to vote, go to war, drive and one hopes be responsible, to recover from hearing a tutor utter a sentence which they find challenging or offensive, is deeply worrying.
So what, get a life. One day these students, and some are training to be doctors and nurses, and others may enter the armed forces, will have to cope with life and death situations. They had better start getting their heads in the right place, because if they do not they will end up being a liability and useless members of society.