The grass continues to grow, meaning the lawns still need mowing, but the cattle remain out on lush pasture, a great saving on hay and straw.
Leo McKinstry wrote last week, ‘Winston Churchill fought for our liberty… now let’s stand up for him’. This in response to a report by the Policy Exchange think tank which revealed that 80 per cent of young people aged 18 to 24 do not admire Churchill. He went on to say that the survey demonstrated the effectiveness of brainwashing in our schools and universities, by the left-wing indoctrination by teachers and lecturers.
He wrote that before the disgraceful images witnessed on Saturday of Albanians ‘insulting’ Churchill by draping their national flag over his statue in Parliament Square. As was said, ‘an act to cause maximum insult and fury, in particular to our veterans preparing for the service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph.
This disrespect is breath taking considering that Albania would not have been liberated by the partisans in 1944 if it were not for Great Britain and its allies.
How these people can disrespect Winston Churchill, a friend to Albania who helped the country fight fascism and communism, as well as being a friend to the Albanian royal family.
The Albanians say they are ‘humiliated’ by the Home Secretary calling their arrival in rubber dinghies, ‘an illegal invasion’.
We know many on arrival are scooped up by their Albanian handlers, who arranged their journey. They enable them to work the streets, dealing in drugs, racketeering and fraud. They appear as homeless vagrants on the streets of London and other large cities, but this is a complete sham when in fact they are housed in large comfortable homes, given fashionable clothing when not ‘posing’ on the streets as beggars, and each week send thousands of pounds home to their families in Albania.
There are of course law-abiding, hard-working Albanians, some of whom have lived in the UK for years. However, look around, ask questions and you will very quickly understand just why thousands of single Albanian men are ‘invading’ our shores.
The Director General of the Border Force said recently that the best solution for housing the ‘illegal’ immigrants would be to park a cruise liner in international waters. They would have their own cabin, three meals a day and would be unlikely to stray.
At the weekend I met a charming Ukrainian couple. We had an interesting chat during which they said how warmly they had been welcomed. They also said, “the UK is the only truly democratic and transparent country in the world”.