There is a feeling of autumn in the air, and those who have completed their harvest and started stubble cultivations in preparation for next year’s crops, would be happy to see more rain, ideally at night.
It will be interesting to see how many farmers take up the Government’s various schemes which will replace the Single Farm Payment. Having read through DEFRA’s ‘New Farming Policies and Payments’ leaflet which stretches to 20 pages, I failed so far, to identify any which fit Ote Hall. Most are unsuitable for a traditional small family farm, and schemes to ‘improve soil’ we have been doing for over 25 years, so nothing to gain there.
When applying for grants from the RPA, the paperwork is relentless, the information required intrusive, the red tape unhelpful and inflexible.
I admire those who are prepared to enter these schemes, they must have more time on their hands than I do.
The two Tory candidates are having to bare their souls on multiple issues. Anyone would think we were approaching a General Election, not the leadership of the Conservative party. This exercise is now well past its sell by date; everyone, I suspect including the candidates, are fed up and want it to end. Nothing is being gained by dragging these two around the country and I am certain that most Tory party members have already made up their mind and voted.
There is little purpose in this relentless interrogation by the media and a handful of Tory party members packed into stuffy halls? It looks like death by a thousand cuts, and is doing neither candidate any good nor improving the credibility of the Conservative party.
I blame the chairman of the 1922 committee Sir Graham Brady and his side kicks, who ambushed Boris into resigning and drove their bitter agenda on the back of ‘hearsay’ of people like Dominic Cummings, Remainers, left-wing liberal elite, and the BBC spilling out relentless fake news.
Let us hope common sense will prevail amongst Tory MPs, and they replace Sir Graham with a fair minded, decent, unbiased back bench MP. The public know a stitch up when they see one.
It is encouraging to note that total exports from the UK in the last quarter reached just under £100 billion, the highest level on record. The latest HMRC figures also reveal how the EU purchased a record £94 billion worth of goods during the first 6 months of the year.
Also, since the start of 2022, the Home Office has removed 1,741 foreign criminals.
You will not hear this on the BBC, but you read it here!